We are "The True Companion" of Industries

Commercial Affairs:

In addition to carrying out all technical and engineering activities, commercial affairs and the supply of required parts and equipment have been taken into consideration since the establishment of the company, and after sourcing qualified domestic and foreign suppliers, the company’s experts have provided the requirements. Also, in the past years, various customers from various industries have made inquiries to supply the required parts and equipment, which our colleagues at REPCO have been able to fulfill this task well.

In this regard, various areas have been covered so far, the most important of which are as follows:

Instrumentation, measuring, testing and laboratory instruments

Industrial automation and robotics

 Electrical and electronic parts and equipment

Power electronics and Low, Medium and High voltage electricity

 Hydraulic and pneumatic

 Equipment, tools, industrial machinery and production lines

Some other services we offer

Knowledge of the market

One of the important features and services of a trading company is general and detailed knowledge of the market

creativity and innovation

He should be able to use creativity and innovation to attract customers by creating a competitive environment.

Provide accurate advice

Providing detailed advice for product pricing in the destination country

Provision of warehousing services

Provision of warehousing services, how to pack goods and how to load is one of the tasks that a reliable trading company should do.